Room of Memories
Through new and sophisticated naturrune magic we have been able to create a replay for sound impressions of memories. These memories stem from different radiant souls that were found awake and consented to have a part of their past on display.

On the journey by foot to Andalun this wanderer had to go into the Spirited Forest which lies in the south of the big city. This is a moment where he stopped in this dangerous place over night, drawing a rune circle for protection and waiting.
Our memory engineers:
Ana Machado & Gonçalo Silva

This poor soul found herself in the deeper caves where the haunting and the world overlap. One of the most dangerous and terrifying places: Crawling through a dark, damp, tight cave. Hearing movements in the darkness and knowing: If you hear them, they have heard you a long time ago already.
Our memory engineers:
Ana Machado

One of the most precious memories: A glimpse into the Ancestor Realm. Many have traveled to Andalun to hear it.
Our memory engineers:
Gonçalo Silva

Not much is known about the sudden disappearance of the Kingdom of Mandunin during the Age of Honor. Here are some of our only indicators. Many scholars think that the fall was caused by an anomaly. What do you think?
Our memory engineers:
Ana Machado