The Story of the 3 Valleys
5th Tale from the Antigo

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Four times sixteen thousand years ago there lived three siblings. They had grown up together but now they went out into the world to test their luck.
In the first year of their journey through the distant realms they found a kingdom of the spring order. All its members were filled with joy, gratitude and hope. They stayed there for a while learning a great many things about prudence and craftsmanship. After many years had gone by they agreed to continue their journey for they sought a new adventure.
In the second year of their journey through the distant realms they found a queendom of the summer order. In it all people were of mature intelligence and partook in careless enjoyment. They stayed there for a while, learning a great many things about fine thinking and resting of the soul. But after a year had passed they agreed to continue their journey for they sought a new adventure.
In the third year of their journey through the distant realms they found a kingdom of the autumn order. In it all people were of careful concern and beautiful memories. They did not want to stay in this kingdom for they were afraid of what they would have to learn here. They decided to turn back but the gates to the past were closed to them.
It was then that they were approached by three knights who asked them to come before the king.
So they did. There the king spoke to them and he said:
“We have lingered in summer for too long so that it became autumn and now in the middle of our kingdom icy shards freeze the heart. In the center of the realm there are the seeds of winter. To get to it one has to be brave enough to go through the three valleys. The seeds can be found in the third. They are protected by the five headed beast. If retrieved they can be sacrificed for the return of spring. In this manner the heart of the kingdom can be redeemed.”
Seeing it as a worthy task the three siblings went out to find the entrance to the valley.
Before the gates they were met by an old, friendly spirit who had, unbeknownst to them, seen many winters such as this. It told them:
“You may not enter if you have not heard my prophecy!”
So the siblings stood firm and listened to the spirit.
“Within the first valley you shall encounter our kingdom's menace. You must slay it in order to open the gate to the second valley. There you must drink from the water of wisdom. Only then can you proceed to the last valley where you will find the beast. It will talk good to you but you must slay it and revealed will be the seeds of winter!”
As they set out the spirit said a last thing:
“If all of you enter the last valley, only one may leave alive!”
And they took it lightly for there was not such a thing as prophecy. But they accepted the spirits gift: The Ale of Kinship.
When they entered the first valley they saw upon it bandits and other unlawful folk. Doing as the spirit had told them drew their weapons and went on to slay them. But as they had slain them, they looked down upon the dead bodies and saw themselves. A heaviness wheighed on their mind but the gate to the next valley opened, signaling they had completed the task.
So they continued.
When they entered the second valley in its middle there was a basin of water. When they drew closer they saw it was full of rolling shadows. One did not want to drink but the others convinced her as so far the spirit had told the truth. So they drank and were soon struck by a deep horror as they now saw the shadows all around them and within each other and themselves. A heaviness set on their mind but the gate to the next valley opened, signaling that they had completed the task.
So they continued.
When they entered the third valley, which was the heart of the kingdom, they met a beautiful goddess sitting on a wide tree on the clearing at the very center of valley. Below her feet she had pinned firmly a potion. But there was no beast. The goddess began to speak:
“You have seen all the darkness in the world and within yourselves. Come here, lay down on the lawn and you may rest for a thousand years and forget all that you have learned.”
But not seeing the beast they ought to slay, they remembered the spirits teachings and refused although their hearts longed for it terribly.
This made the goddess angry. So she said:
“You have seen all the darkness in the world and within each other. You have seen it in your brother to the right and in your sister to the left. Why shall they live? Slay them!”
But not seeing the beast they ought to slay yet, they remembered the spirits teachings and refused although their hearts longed for it terribly.
This made the goddess yet more furious. So she finally said nothing and transformed into the five headed beast.
It was then that the destiny of the three siblings revealed itself and so they drank the ale of kinship and they took up their weapons and they killed the beast with great difficulty.
And at the fights end the beast was dead. But two of the siblings had perished too. The one who had stood alive grieved. But once gathered she went to the potion and looked inside. But the seeds of winter were not to be found.
She left in despair but when she reached the kingdom everyone there was happy for the three valleys had disappeared and nothing had remained but the two souls of her siblings. And the kingdom had been restored and she was bestowed with many gifts and much praise and as she saw fit married the prince.
But where her siblings had died their souls arose from their bodies and they spawned two soul trees. And around them the Holy City of Agaiatar was built to remember them and where they had expected nothing but a lonely struggle, at the closing they were together with the whole world.
And although the world’s story may forgot them one day, their legacy will remain forever.