Play here to listen to the introduction of the Conference.
Ladies and Lords, Scholars, Senators, Kings and Queens, we welcome you to the first day of the First ever “Andalun International Security Conference”. We are honoured to be hosting you in the City on the Strait. Make yourself comfortable - the butler of the house wishes to let you know it is his highest priority you enjoy every comfort you may require during your time here. His servants are therefore at your disposal so you may be undistracted in taking in the issues presented by this conference.

Indeed, it is crucial that we act and act now. Our world – your lands and peoples – face an ever-growing series of threats.
Yet in compiling the relevant facts for this conference some of us have noted, that in many cases we do not share a common base of knowledge. Of course! Not all books and not all scholars are available in every corner of our domains. Therefore today we will establish a base of understanding. We will share and agree on the facts of our common situation.
This is no mere summary. In fact, this is probably the most important part of the whole conference. Everything we will be discussing in the coming days relies on the truthfulness of this information.
Therefore we have enlisted the aid of the most accomplished, renowned and simply extraordinary scholarly minds to gather a diverse spectrum of knowledge ranging from the tangible Souls, the Magic and Religion connected to these, to the Geography & the History of our world - they bring the best research that has ever been compiled on these topics and will present it in a streamlined fashion.
I therefore have the great honor to introduce:

Our Topics Today

Illustration not yet available

Nature Worship
Illustration not yet available

To the left Theozen of the Single Path, to the right Theozen of the Balanced Path

Behold the symbols of "The Watcher", Judge of Gods (left), "Conu" the God of Truth (center) and "Tuomion" the God of Devine Punishment (right)

This is why we usually stick to our own and avoid traversing unprotected waters which lead us to have very small & somewhat isolated kingdoms.
Not to forget the Guardian Test. In order to be tested, one has to swim down into the darkness, bait a giant Mutheci Shark and kill it. Unfortunately, these isolated killings are not enough to exterminate the Mutheci and so this menace is a constant, which has often caused resettlements. On the upside, this ritual has made us some of the fiercest people alive - way braver than any airworldler.
In these times the Rulers were mostly fair and hard-working. They chose their successors from amongst the people and kept almost no treasures for themselves. It was the only way to survive.
Kingdoms and Queendoms were only sporadically in touch with each other through the longer river or naval travels and even less frequently over land. Trade was very dangerous due to rogue clans and of course, the beasts who lived between the cleared areas. But War was rare as everyone mostly stayed on their own Island of Civilization.
But eventually, the kingdom's borders grew until they met. Territories that contained important resources were fought over & religious differences sparked conflict.
We can briefly segment the Age of Honor into three segments: The Early, High and Late Age of Honour. These Ages are relative in time as they are more related to how long a kingdom was already established.
In the Early Age, the first kingdoms formed and the structure was frugal. The buildings were functional, the clothes modest, and the technology improvised.
During the High Age of Honor, the establishment of these realms was progressing to a sufficient degree and it was reflected in more leisure activity, colourful fashion and buildings which were increasingly made to last.
The Late Age saw well-cultivated fashions and leisure turned into excess. As the logic revolution swept over the countries which sparked the first bursts of invention, tools and buildings became more sophisticated. The first Dragons were domesticated and the first Wars fought - although often with low casualties as armies to this time used to spar with each other in well-organized battles to determine who would have won rather than warfare with lethal intent with absolute force applied.
In these times the kings grew mistrustful. They instated Dynasties, restricted trade to nations of other creeds and used Honor as a weapon toward other humans rather than against the forces of nature against which the concept was intended and developed.
All of this led to unrest and unstable social systems.
The fighting had lost all trace of the civility that had been respected in the previous age. It became so destructive and brutal that the then-powerful Valano Kingdom had to step in and stop the hostilities. It remains to this day one of the most violent events in Soul Atlas History with over 30 million dead within a few short years. Looking back I like to believe it was the traumatic experience that made mankind grow up with a terrible suddenness.

During the Crusade the Medicus Mage was for the first time trained to help out as a combat medic. They suffered like most soldiers from severe mental destabilization as the world was shocked by its own brutality.
Out of this particular crisis, the Immortal Kingdom emerged, turning into the Geopolitical Powerhouse with Agaiatar as the capital, later in the Age of Invention the first Stock Marketplace and the creator of the Atlas’ first reserve currency.
Many other Empires would rise up and take up the sword. The most notable conflicts were:
a) The Murr Invasion in todays Morou, Amurrea and Harlon Eru around the 740s. This event saw the underground civilization, the “Murr”, expand their territories upon the surface. They ruled effectively but shortly as their king died and the succession was poorly prepared for.
b) The Castodia Unification Campaign is usually referred to as the “Campaign of Fire”. From the Fire Mountains, Warlord Hanuzan commanded his armies to take much of an area known today as Castodia. He instated as Emperor his good friend Tarikan, whose Lineage is still in control of Castodia today - together with the Order of Sol.
c) During the Age of Invention, amongst others, Catomea, Catelonion, Acilantra and Yatur arose as empires
War was terrible as excavations into the dungeons brought to light many powerful magical weapons and dragons were domesticated for war purposes. Fortunately, dragons lose their ability to spit fire when tamed. Otherwise our world map would look very different today.
In this Age the values shifted. There was the general attitude that the individual became less significant in comparison to his state as it expanded and turned into an Empire. Some, namely the Immortal Kingdom and Castodia, became intensely patriotic. But most other Empires soon started to feel impersonal and cold. The banners became so elaborate only a few people could accurately reproduce them, the monuments were massive, and the bureaucracies rapidly became convoluted & bloated.
It was only over time that Empires learned how to truly leverage their giant size to push forward standards and innovation to the benefit of the whole world - with the notable exception of Castodia which elegantly kept reinventing itself from the very beginning.
This new kind of world order subsisted. It permitted more rapid population growth and although wars and civil wars were more terrible than before, more effective ways to kill the beasts were discovered, more elaborate trade networks were established and, aided by the invention of the printing press, more knowledge than ever before was amassed and distributed.
Initially, when the propeller came along everyone first saw in as a more elegant way to move ships. It was not until in 720YT that they began to use draft animals to power the propellers.
Thus, the Fagerium venting technology, refueling it and further improvements in aerodynamics lead to airships which were eventually able to travel up to 100 km/h as the crow flies.
This “shrunk the world” as many countries started to build airports between their most important trading cities. It revolutionized trade, shrinking maritime trade and giving landlocked countries more leverage. It also empowered countries which had no sufficient access to dragons to still maintain an Air Force and it created even more stupefying amounts of wealth within the few countries which had Fagerium possessions in their territory.
It is because of the subsequent array of discoveries and adjustments to these airfaring systems that this age was named the Age of Invention. Although some began giving it another name: The Age of Aristocrates.
Because the world was shrinking, trade was more powerful than ever and the newly operating companies had soon after, for the first time, access to a new invention: The stock market. Powerful private and publicly owned companies arose. They were the pillars of modern society, providing many services, especially in Empires which were on the rise and searching for allies to consolidate their place in the world.
But the main reason why they became so powerful was because Freya pioneered what is known as the “Scalve” System. An increasing amount of states would choose a handful of companies which were dedicated a certain sector in the economy. They would have almost unrestricted access to cheap loans and would be bailed out every time they failed. That made the domestic markets highly competitive to all other countries who did not use this system. But it had the side effect of making some companies stronger than the states which were supposed to control them and soon the laws began to warp to reflect this.
Eventually states who started to push back found themselves in heavy resistance. Conglomerates of Companies which formed across borders were preparing to upend the Age of Imperials and states in favor of an age in which Cooperations would run the world. The most important of these alliances called themselves the “Atra” and “Medejin”. This lead to a war which was fought all over the Atlas for almost 10 years between 813 and 822 YT.
This conflict ended with the Statesman victorious and dealt a heavy and debilitating blow to the Conglomerates which would never again rise to become the governing entity in any part of the Atlas. Still, corporations and investors held great power, and trade networks continued to grow and shift. During this time the moral revolution occurred which put philosophy front and center and lead to a decrease in wars everywhere as new Universities sprang up across the whole Atlas.
Around 950YT aristocrats started investing in a set of companies on the stock markets in Andalun. These companies were educating Terraci Mages with the help of a University Mage Order. This Order had recently opened up exchange of expertise, willing to share its secrets for the greater good leading to a small period known as the “Conflict of the Orders”. As these companies were now able to educate Terraci en masse, it became financially feasible to send them to assist farmers with food production. This led to farmers being able to take on successively larger fields, more than returning investment on the loan and state-subsidized Terraci they hired to keep bugs away, keep crops healthy, help plant and decrease the time plants took to grow. This led to a massive spike in food production which within a decade halved the number of famines that took place.
Because of this, vast investments were poured into these agricultural ventures. Many different companies offered this service. Many governments bought these “Terraci Bonds” made from stocks from these different companies and stored them as secure assets. Most notably, as the Immortal Kingdom ran out of precious metal reserves, it bought up these bonds to offer to clients to convert cash to - instead of metal.
All of this worked well. Investors began to search for places to deploy their capital and a frenzy of investment sprees rained upon the whole continent - both on the wise and unwise investments.
But they were all soon taken by surprise.
This, as you know, triggered the formation of “The League.” Our league, which began with Acilantra, Reonur, Frostland and the Dynasty and has now grown to include our new ally, Norus, is the official counterpart to Honordom aggression.
Today it is the year 1091YT. There are Geopolitical Tensions and proxy wars between our League and The Holy Empires in the Dukedoms, Harlon has propped up its Military and entered into a Military alliance with Vondo and Morou. Sokuzan is rising and pushing its borders outwards in all regions. It is a time of great volatility and danger and we are in the middle of it although many in the civilized countries do not yet fully realize just how dangerous the current tensions really can be.
In addition to the worrisome geopolitical tensions between all major blocks which could trigger another atlaswide war, there are some other indicators we can no longer divert our eyes from!
The Beasts which we pushed back over hundreds of years of ever better technology seem to be returning. Multiple sightings have been made of these monstrous creatures in territories which were deemed cleared of this menace. Whole settlements have been completely annihilated faster than our militaries can respond. I know many of you think little of this – after all, if ancient people beat them back with swords, surely we can do the same with dragons and repeaters. Yet the problem still grows.
On top of that, some scholars have entered the depths of the dungeons remaining from previous civilizations and found writings which have some reliable information on the collapse of the previous civilization. We still don’t know what exactly was responsible for the fall but we think that in many areas - technology and geopolitics being probably the most determining of them all - we are approaching a similar point to those previous civilizations. Specifically, the point where they collapsed.
I am sure you share my desire to avoid repeating a historical event which would see all of civilization wiped out - maybe even all of humanity. We can no longer look away. We have to prepare for the worst. And possibly quickly!

Lena Olivier

Jay Fenton

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The "Eastern Tribune" is the most widely printed newspaper on the Eastcoast. Because we do not live ourselves on Eastcoast (which is unfortunate) we have to sent for the Edgepaper.
The Edgepaper of the Eastern Tribune is the summary of all significant events to appear in the Newspaper during the last month. It is printed for far of regions where some want to stay informed but to where sending daily or weekly prints is not feasible. Therefore it is a shortened overview over only the most important events.
The paper undergoes a regular truthefication process in which the Order of Tian will check the quality of work and the quality of the institution structure to make sure all incentives to lie, distort or omit the truth are removed.
Of course only decisionmakers, aristocrats and intellectuals read Edgepapers but as you have come to the Andalun Scholar Conference we thought you might be interested.
Stay up to date on the current events of Honordom expansion, the League’s Geopolitics, Dragonraces, Elections, Crownings, Wars and much more.