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Scholar Guild Introduction

Play here to listen to the introduction of the Conference.

Ladies and Lords, Scholars, Senators, Kings and Queens, we welcome you to the first day of the First ever “Andalun International Security Conference”. We are honoured to be hosting you in the City on the Strait. Make yourself comfortable - the butler of the house wishes to let you know it is his highest priority you enjoy every comfort you may require during your time here. His servants are therefore at your disposal so you may be undistracted in taking in the issues presented by this conference.

Indeed, it is crucial that we act and act now. Our world – your lands and peoples – face an ever-growing series of threats.

Yet in compiling the relevant facts for this conference some of us have noted, that in many cases we do not share a common base of knowledge. Of course! Not all books and not all scholars are available in every corner of our domains. Therefore today we will establish a base of understanding. We will share and agree on the facts of our common situation.

This is no mere summary. In fact, this is probably the most important part of the whole conference. Everything we will be discussing in the coming days relies on the truthfulness of this information.

Therefore we have enlisted the aid of the most accomplished, renowned and simply extraordinary scholarly minds to gather a diverse spectrum of knowledge ranging from the tangible Souls, the Magic and Religion connected to these, to the Geography & the History of our world - they bring the best research that has ever been compiled on these topics and will present it in a streamlined fashion.

I therefore have the great honor to introduce:

A representative of the Mages of the Sun’s Anvil, holder of the Acilantran Knighthood and the only human to have read EVERY SINGLE book in the Great Desert Library. He has travelled to all but 3 countries, studied countless orders, built a network of philosophers called “the Dellarin” and been instrumental in pushing the research on death. I might ask for a round of applause! Shihadid Nogare.

Secondly, let's welcome Dean of the University to Ethina and a long-time Professor of Soul Magic with over 49 highly peer-reviewed papers and one of the most influential scholars in his field to have ever lived.

Iacobus Zcrib.

Third on our esteemed panel as an expert on Religious Studies with an impressive formal education in monasteries and universities Tarin, Duraan and Agaiatar she has done much more than lecture: As the Head of the United Religion Peace Council (URPC) she has solved religious contention and is officially credited with preventing the impending Civil War in Harlon Eru, one of our most valuable allies.
Ilonia Selene Asclepia.

Not only did our next speaker survive the descent into the “Haunting” a mind-bending 14 times, she has in fact visited every reach of the Atlas. The doubt there might be someone out there who has travelled further than she has, is more then justified. She knows this world better then most of us know our gardens.
A Representative of the Guild of Cartographers:
Tera Sirumao.

And last but by no means least: he is known for surviving a sum of 4 independent assassination attempts. This young man has not only made a name for himself for exposing the truth but also for his relentless focus on the most relevant parts of history, those, which we will have to learn from and which many of his older colleagues are not willing to touch. Therefore the king of the Dynasty himself insisted to have him speak today.
I introduce the Historian: Dalinar Blue-Antares.

As you can see we find ourselves in the most excellent and courageous of company. They will bring you up to the frontiers of our collective knowledge, draw the big picture and let you in on what moves this Atlas. Today you shall know the Soul Atlas as nobody has ever known it before!

Our Topics Today

Play here to listen to Shihadid Nogare. Let him tell you about Souls!

Shadows and Radiants

If there has been a single thing to influence all societies since the dawn of time, it must be the struggle of the souls of the dying to arise as a radiant soul from the lifeless body. It is a sign of a life well lived. These rising souls are called “Radiant Souls”.

But not everyone will emerge as an undying Radiant Soul from their dead body.

Some die but their soul never emerges.

When dying the shadow and the light will commence a struggle of meaning. The last test of life! If the shadow can not be defeated it is observed that the light fades and the dark soul is pulled underground. These Souls are called “Shadow Souls”.

"The Last Struggle"

In places which have no natural ground like stone floors the Shadow Soul will not find its way into the earth and will eventually fade away and be lost. If it is a Radiant Soul it will grow a Soultree around itself. If the death has occurred on an unnatural surface such as stone the soul will, after a few hours upon death, start to rise to the skies instead.

We can not tell with certainty why souls turn into shadow or into light. The most convincing argument we have heard so far seems to be that those who live a life of virtue will emerge radiant while those living a life of vice and immorality will sink down.

There has long been a controversy between and within religions about which force is the arbitrator of souls and the maker of judgements on the immorality of a human's life. Is it gods and if so, which ones? Or is it all within the dying, a last fight only with oneself?

There is no consensus reached on this matter yet.

There is however one exception to the Shadow and the Radiant Soul:

The Colors of the Radiant Soul

Based on the Ethinian Theory of meaning, Radiant Souls arise lived after a life of meaningful acts. The different colors that shine from a Radiant Soul then give hints to the scholars who subscribe to the Ethinian Theory: Each color might have assigned to it a certain meaning it represents. Most commonly it is assumed that the blue souls have found meaning in wisdom, that red souls have found meaning in love and green souls have found meaning in their legacy. Love, wisdom, legacy: These components can mix and at their highest form can come together to create a white soul. The most valuable soul, as it can be used for all types of magic and usually shines the brightest, providing more energy to magicians.


There is however a third, terrifying alternative to Shadow and Radiant Souls:

Sometimes a person dies and emerges unconscious - yet alive - from their place of death, driven by primal instinct. Their bodies wither, their actions incited only by their Hollow Soul which provides the body with enough energy to pursue its single-minded task:

Find a Radiant Soul. Be this the soul of a living or a dead.

If a Hollow walks without food for years it will eventually fully collapse, by then merely skin and bones. And the Soul will turn into a shadow and escape underground.

If they however succeed in consuming one of these souls the Hollow returns to consciousness.

Often they are in much psychological pain as they have just killed somebody and also physically because they have not nourished themselves for possibly months, living of merely the energy in their Hollow Soul.

Some believe that being turned Hollow is a way of the Nature Goddess Awa to give those who did not find meaning a second chance to life.

The Hollows who survive this transformation however often are unable to cope and choose to end their misery.

The treatment of such Hollows varies immensely across time and cultures. Some feed them and provide them with a Soul while most others are disgusted by that practice of robbing an innocent Radiant Soul of its eternity and prefer to kill any Hollows for good.

It is not uncommon in times of strife, rebellion and collapsing empires to see the number of Hollows swell and the sentiment towards them switch from feeding to killing them. This leads to many more deaths and great sorrow. They are therefore known as a symbol of the end of an older order, like crows on the carrion of empires.

click any image to enlarge it

The Soul Tree

Soultree Contemplation

In times of plenty, few Hollows are to be seen and groves and even forests of Soul Trees can be found. These cemeteries are usually public spaces that can be visited as these trees create a calming environment and are commonly believed to have healing properties for the mind.

Sometimes there is a “Hollow Storm” on a cemetery/soul tree grove which is why in eroding countries they are often protected by Guards and walled off.

These trees hold the soul in place and will grow for hundreds of years if left untouched until the Soul finally ascends to the heavens.

If one extracts the soul from a tree early enough after death, this Soul can be used for Radiant Magic. If one simply extracts the Soul and releases it, it will always drift towards the sky.

When the Soul is extracted, the tree withers and dies. It is the sight of many battlefields to see among killed horses and dragons, knights and archers a whole forest of dark, withered trees as Mages usually return to harvest the souls at risk of their own life.

Dying, Dormant, Conscious Souls

When a human dies and a Radiant Soul emerges it hovers over its body in a state of flux. One should only carefully touch it to move it on natural ground using organic matter but not one’s hands.

A couple of days later, once the tree has started growing around it, a skilled Mage able to communicate with the soul inside the tree might take the risk of trying to extract the Soul from the plant.

This is very dangerous. The Mage has to first make contact with the Soul and establish a basic relationship.

If the Soul is willing, with extreme caution, one may take it out of its shelter by reaching between the branches.

These Souls are considered Dormant. One has to make them conscious by reaching out to them mentally if it is to be used for magic. This requires long days of telepathic communication and enticement to return the soul back to full self-awareness.

All of these risks however can provide rich rewards if they are used by a skilled Magician. I believe this is a great segway. I want to, at this point, open the stage to my dear colleague:

Play here to listen to Iacobus Zcrib. Let him tell you about Magic!

Honourable Colleagues: We all know Mages. They keep our society running and defend our most important civil servants. Yet many of us are not fully aware of how mages are usually educated.

Our research team has travelled the whole Atlas and created a formal guide to understanding how modern Mage Orders educate their Mages and the impact of such education on our societies.

We are in debt to the Order of Tian for guiding us through the process and letting us observe their training.

Stage 1 -


Mages are able to use the Radiant Souls as a source of energy for their magic.

Before they can do so however they need to build a trusting relationship with that soul - a process not everyone can succeed at.

Sometimes an apprentice Mage has already built a relationship with a Soul when they enter formal training but for most, the training begins with an extraction ritual in which they ceremoniously remove a soul from its tree.

The Apprentice then extends their mind towards the soul until they get used to finding each other. With effort, they can contact each other over long distances and even through walls.

At first, these Souls are dormant. They exist in a state that has been described by many cultures in many different ways as either “one of all”, “primal self” or “non-self”.

It can only be reached by appealing to its sense of incompleteness - that there is a mission to be pursued, a meaning left to fulfill or a responsibility to carry. If done correctly, usually with the help of old fables and myths, the Soul is reawakened and will remember its past life and values.

Awaken the Radiants

This traditional Mage Order Song is till today used to bring back the Radiant Souls to conciousness. 

Apprentices often struggle with this and need the assistance of a psychedelic drug which is extracted from the Soultrees.

Once the contact has been established, the Mage needs to share and listen to build trust with the soul.

This is crucial because the Soul has the ability to withhold the energy needed for a spell and will usually not provide anything for a purpose it does not support. Or in other words: The Soul will not provide Energy for actions which it deems immoral - making almost all actions of combat, war, crime or other abuse of power close to impossible for Radiant Magicians.

Stage 2 -

The Amplifier

Once the connection has been built and the Soul is willing to help the Magician, an amplifier is required to channel its energy into action.

A rune - simply referred to as Naturune - needs to be engraved on it. It is a codex that binds the Soul in space to this object, allowing it to provide energy and protecting it from use against its will.

Often additional functions are added by extending the “Rune Logic” engraved on the surface of the Amplifier - most commonly these are additions to the Base Amplifier Rune allowing the Mage to channel more energy through the device though making it harder to control.

Usually, the mage has to train up their ability to let energy flow through the amplifier.

Stage 3 -

Choosing a Path

So now, what might a Mage use this newfound power for?

The Powers of Radiant Souls are limited to affecting living things - but they can interact with them in a plethora of ways. Broadly speaking, there are four main fields of study which a Mage may pursue.

Inner Magic

(1) Mages who focus on affecting the minds and emotions of others are known as SHIRU. Shiru require a deep sense of empathy and gain the ability to understand different sides of an argument, the deep pain of a person or the human condition in general. They learn to understand the workings of the mind better than anybody else and likely serve in such positions as philosopher, therapist or minister.

(2) Getting in touch with animals will make you an ANIMUR Mage. You will be able to communicate with horses and oxen, giving them tasks, encouraging them, keeping them company or find work in a communication tower with pigeons, sparrows, falcons, eagles and other birds commonly used for messaging. If you want to talk to your horse whilst riding into town, this is the one you choose.

Outer Magic

(3) The MEDICUS is capable of affecting the bodies of the sick. They have a deep understanding of anatomy coupled with what is known as the “Medrem”: The ability to mentally probe a body in order to identify what is amiss. They are often more capable than any other doctor in the healing of wounds - but acquiring such skills is a great challenge and not all Medicus are equally capable. After all, the body is a complicated instrument and a slight error on a Medicus’ part could have dire consequences. We owe the Mages who advanced deep into the Medrem the identification and healing of many ancient and formidable diseases.

(4) We all know them. They keep our modern society running: Becoming a TERRACI will give you the ability to affect plants. You will be able to feel a network of roots and floral structures everywhere. It gives you the ability to remove pests from crops, accelerate growth and artfully grow almost any plant in almost any shape. Where would we be today without their abilities.

The Sentinel

Most Mages pick a discipline and stick to it. Overachievers pick up a second. And while many dream of learning all four, very few exceptional Mages actually do it.

One might be a Terraci and a Medicus but can not call themselves a Sentinel until they've mastered all forms of Radiant Magic. These Sentinels who long ago in the Age of Honor were sent to defend mankind against the “Beasts” are now sought after as exceptional bodyguards - making them the only Radiant Magicians to frequently engage in combat.

They are not just valued for their abilities but also for what they represent to societies. The wealthiest aristocrat might buy the most expensive swordsman but the Souls of the Sentinel will not simply protect anyone: Only the one worthy of defence in combat. A small guard of Sentinels in a Kings or Queens Guard is a sign of righteous rule. And the people of many countries, especially in the west, know this.

Stage 4 -

Finding Work

You might have been gifted an amplifier by a Mage and trained yourself any of the abilities above, maybe with the help of a mentor.

But in most cases you will have learned your craft in a University Order.

University Orders

They filter applications, reach out to talented students and then educate their selection in the fields mentioned above. They tend to have various colleges specialized in the different forms of radiant magic pertaining to diverse fields of study ranging from politics to science to the performing arts, craftsmanship and trading. They typically also financially support research expeditions by its faculty. In the old days they were mostly self-sustaining because the students were made to work, growing food and maintaining the property. But today governments often substitute with funding if the Order is representing their preferred religion or if it's prestigious and useful enough to be supported. Parents or grants pay for individual students and “Provider Orders” add funds in return for “First Looks” at the new students.

Provider Orders

These Provider Orders are usually servicing bigger companies, aristocratic ventures or government contracts, functioning much like an agent, making contact with various potential employers. They are for obvious reasons interested in attaining only the best students. They often have several branches, sometimes in different countries, with the biggest of them managing atlas-wide international contracts. Provider Orders, needless to say, are where the big bucks are.

Elite Provider Orders

Next, we have what I call Elite Provider Orders. These are the prestigious organizations which are usually associated with a higher government body like the Order of Tian who is servicing the 4th Estate in “The Dynasty”. Rather than poach from the Universities, these orders seek to bring talented and prospective Mages into the fold from an early age - all the better to foster a sense of purpose, duty, loyalty and adherence to the Order’s Traditions.

Mage Guilds

On a smaller scale, we find Mage Guilds. If a citizen requires healing, if an independent farmer has a pest problem or any other issue disconnected from a larger organization arises, it is a Mage Guild that will answer the call. These Guilds work locally, are often run by a committee and especially around the Boon & the West are many hundreds of years old. Although they have less geopolitical influence then other Orders, they are very influential locally, as an effective and well organized Mage Guild will be a great blessing to any community.

Freelance Mages

Of course there are also Freelance Mages - maybe because they weren't meeting the official requirements or because they simply did not want to share a cut with a third party. They never agreed to or managed to cancel their contract, making their own business the way they are able to and prefer to. Some simply wander from town to town in search of work, sometimes doing jobs which don't even require their special skills. Others are highly sought after for their abilities but will only agree to contracts on their own terms when and how they like and with 100% of revenue going into their own pockets.

Closed Orders

Although since the Stock Market Boom in the mid 800s they are an ever less frequent sight, closed Orders still exist today. They train their own Mages but then retain them and dedicate themselves to the religious pursuit of finding the right answers to meaning and to contemplating better ways of living. They sometimes decisively engage in social crises but stay as a self-sustaining monastery away from all financial incentive.

Additional Stage

Looking into One’s Shadow

I hope this presentation on Radiant Magic contained at least some new information for all of you. However, I have one more thing to share - something quite exciting.

During the visit of the Order of Tian the apprentices would go through a special stage: Making contact with a Shadow Soul.

I was not permitted to watch it first. Already aware of it being a special procedure we insisted and eventually two days before we were scheduled to leave I was let in as an apprentice was establishing a connection.

She had trained for a month to withstand the psychological pressure.

Now: I am aware that many of you might not be aware of the fact that a Shadow Soul needs to be intercepted on its way towards the depths of the earth. There, in deep caves where the “Haunting” makes survival an implausibility, expeditionary forces are tasked with locating them on their way down.

This makes them very valuable and not many Orders believe it to be a worthwhile investment.

But the Order of Tian owns two such passageways into the Shadows and it trains the students there to prepare themselves mentally.

This exercise is meant to show them the dark side of humanity, to have them look into what life can erode to - a type of cautionary experience. It was made very clear to me: The Order will not use this exercise for magic but only for the purpose of looking into one’s own Soul.

This needs to be a very controlled experiment.

Radiant Souls usually are hard to awaken and one has to gain their trust. This is because they have something to give and they only give when and how they see fit.

A Shadow Soul will reach out for you, is up for anything and oftentimes makes an active effort to make you lose yourself or abuse the energy the Soul can provide you. It wishes to corrupt.

Sitting some distance away, I observed the apprentice stare into the sky and wondered what it was she was thinking, what she was seeing as in front of her the shadows in the soul moved slowly in a circular manner.

And then, a second later, her head snapped towards me and a bolt of lightning flooded out of her fingers and towards my very seat. Fortunately, as it turned out, she wasn't skilled enough yet to aim or control the energy properly so I just came away with a few singed hairs and slightly stunned from the shockwave of the pillar exploding behind me from the impact of the flash.

After she was seperated from the Soul and the situation had de-escalated, one of the mages who lead the experiment explained to me that the Shadow Mages were uniquely able to channel raw energy into storms, lighting and Fire.

There is a concerning trend in some of our eastern countries to accept Shadow Mages to practice their abilities in preparation and application for warfare. After seeing how easily a Shadow Soul was able to corrupt this prepared trainee - and just how destructive its magic was even without harnessing - I believe Shadow Mages application in warfare is inevitable. But I strongly advice - inspite of its allure - not to be tempted to join into an arms raise. It will have dark and lasting repercussions for our societies.

Play here to listen to Ilonia Selene Asclepia. Let her tell you about Creed!

The Choice

Today I will be trying to convert you to every single major religion on the Soul Atlas to show you their merits.

Of course, if you lived in the earlier centuries, you were born into a family which already believed in a religion. Though some of us made up our minds and switched beliefs. Here are your two main choices from the age of resettlement (0 YT):


Edanists believe that the Nature Goddess of Chaos, Akash, has been nothing but destructive. She has sent the beasts. She has sent plagues - some that simply kill you - but others unnecessarily cruel: causing insanity, liquifying you from the inside and causing larvae to grow within you. She has created the Haunting to prevent you from reaching the depths of the world where she lives and giant sea creatures that prevent you from reaching far out into the Oceans. She is even believed to sometimes walk amongst the people in order to seed dark and murderous thoughts. And there is nothing but mankind to stand in her way.

It is through the absence of any other divine power clearly self-evident that there is only one Godess - and she is evil. All that she possesses will, upon their death, fall back into the ground to reunite with her - evil to evil.

Only the human community can overcome Chaos. If you wish to prevent your Soul from being sucked below after your death: You must create meaning for yourself. Protect the human community. Strengthen it. Build it. Let us face the darkness, the uncertain and the cruelty together. To overcome our doom.

Everyone who has lived a life of rightfulness and service may prevail amongst the living or peacefully sleep on the surface of the earth.

Now you might think this way of thinking is suspect or contemptible. Most likely because you were brought up differently. It is possible that your set of beliefs looked quite different, more like:

Ancestor Reverence

Ancestor Reverence believe that the nature Goddess, Awa, has challenged mankind since its inception. We have not grown strong in spite of her but because of her. She nourishes us, allows our crops to grow plentifully, our animals to be healthy, she lightens our labour with her rains and when tired she allows us to cool ourselves in her meandering streams. She is not just the rivers, but also the wide lush fields or the shade that protects from the sun.

She challenges us to establish Order.

She has sent forward the Beasts so that the best among us might distinguish themselves. She has forced us against her creations so that we might have a common enemy. So that our resolve and the capabilities of our community might be strengthened.

On our day of judgement she bestows upon us a soul tree to protect our soul should we be worthy and she recalls us to the depths to be punished if we are not.

Awa leaves those most worthy among us so we may study them, revere them and aspire to live up to, or even surpass their ideals. These we call Reverends. If you want to be both challenged and blessed, you may join us. We will provide you with the community, the rituals and the support to overcome the dark times and find meaning through ordering the chaos.

It is actually remarkable - although they dislike hearing it - how similar both the aforementioned schools of belief are in their conclusion. The reason for it seems to be that both religions sprang from different interpretations of the same ancient religious texts, known as the Antigo, written by the Ancient Prophet and referred to usually like: “As written by the Ancient Prophet in the Story of the Silent Tree …”

The Story of the 3 Valleys

Four times sixteen thousand years ago there lived three siblings. They had grown up together but now they went out into the world to test their luck.

In the first year of their journey through the distant realms they found a kingdom of the spring order. All its members were filled with joy, gratitude and hope. They stayed there for a while learning a great many things about prudence and craftsmanship. After many years had gone by they agreed to continue their journey for they sought a new adventure ...

Of course, there is the odd one out. The Religion that was always chosen by a few and never abandoned. It has essentially no atlas wide institutions and is independently believed by many who consume Soul Tree Extract. It goes by the collective name of Nature Worship:

Nature Worship

Nature worshippers believe that at the beginning of time, the great Mother met the first man on the face of the barren Atlas. With the help of her spirits, she enchanted him like she had done with so many before and placed him on her belly where she could see him for as long as she wished.

He wandered around there, enjoying her closeness at first, but eventually, growing weary, he demanded to continue his journey. Not wanting him to leave, she created around him a jungle surrounded by deep waters and filled places with dangerous beasts & to keep him company she birthed many animals and spirits to accompany man. Soon after creating the jungle, water & beasts she fell into a deep sleep and has not awoken since. It is said she will awake when man has built a home where the two of them may live together. Man, growing weary of his imprisoned comfort went on to fight her creations through the jungle in order to free himself.

Using the Souls of the Ancestors and calling upon the good spirits you may become an Apostle of this creed, builder of the long-awaited home of the mother.

However, align yourself with the shadow soul’s whispers and demon spirits and you will fall and all of Mother's realm will have her revenge when she awakens.

The Goddess

Old "Age of Resettlement" Chant sung by Nature Worshippers.

Until roughly the year 400YT these were your only choices. A few minor sects and cults were created but these only garnered small followings. Though towards the end of the Age of Honour, a new splinter sect of Edany gained popularity:

Star Edany

The Edanists and Star Edanists agree: Akash is the correct interpretation of the Goddess under the Atlas.

Akash, undoubtably, is evil beyond measure. But nonetheless, there is good in the world. Fortune is brought to us by the Sun Goddess Sorna and at night our moon couple Lua (small moon) and Gatar (big moon) watch over us. We see it as our duty to cut down the Soul Trees so the Souls may drift skywards to become stars, reunited with the embrace of the gods that watch over us.

It has never been up to such humble creatures as humans to decide all the ends of the world. It has always been a divine struggle between powers far beyond our grasp.

Edanists and Star Edanists did not get along very well. Mainly because Edanists thought Star Edanists to be heretics who handed their destiny to some made-up gods who they had never managed to establish proper contact with. On the other hand, Star Edanists thought Edanists were way too serious and arrogant to believe they were in control of the universe.

Anyways - this resulted in a series of bloody conflicts. Embittered by this deep divide the middle north (Star Edanist) and the middle south (Edanist) fought each other in the Edanic Crusade.

From this brutal period which intermingled with the Age of Empires came an intense desire to rise above the violence. Out of it was born Theozen, a very different kind of school of thought and more of a philosophy than a religion:

To the left Theozen of the Single Path, to the right Theozen of the Balanced Path


Theozen is a very recent religion. There are too many wars fought over mere speculation, too many friendships broken, too much division between people we love because we know them and people we hate because we don’t. Yet we can surely see that there is a divine power at work in our Atlas. It is therefore our burden as the priesthood of Theozen to travel from country to country, to extract wisdom about the divine from all myths of creation and all Ancestor Souls. We will connect with nature through the Soul Tree Extract and we will call upon the Shiru’s from all over the Atlas to gather wisdom from people of all classes.

From our age-old burden comes the great “Book of the Divine” printed over and over again to contain the old and the new wisdom alike. You may not initially believe but once you read our book you will find it difficult to continue an unbeliever.

Join us in Tribute and in Gratitude.

Theozen gained extreme popularity during the Age of Invention and saw an additional increase during the Moral Revolution. Generally, time periods in which people were well fed and the future looked bright, people would go to visit the Theozen Temples to read from the great Book of the Divine. They would sit and talk with the priests. Many Ancestor Reverends and Edanists converted to Theozen as they were looking for a way out of the rigid norms and traditions they had felt, were forced upon them.

But Theozen, clearly being manmade and simply comprehending the divine was not enough to sway cultures and peoples during dark times and so they would fall back on praying to their old deities, searching for guidance from the beyond.

When in the year 994 the great recession brought down the established world order and left the Immortal Kingdoms in ruins, the allure of another pseudo-religion spread, finally finding roots in Castodia where it developed and here is what they believed:


Honordom believes that: who are you to interpret the will of the Souls, the wisdom of the Ancestors? You must give them to the honorable Tribunal. There we will make sure that Akash, Edany’s Goddess of Chaos, has not infested their wisdom. In this tribunal those trained to be finding the truth within the souls will extract the will of the Ancients, the wisdom of those before us and those who find the truth about past attrocities.

It is through this process that they may come forth to reveal the God Emperor/ Emperess chosen by the will of the Souls. This one person, the highest of all relevant ideals, shall be the ruler of the nations. They shall know good from evil better then anybody else. Those they choose to do the peoples bidding will be divinely so. Their decisions may feel irrational given their long term understanding as society will be one sunrise at the time lifted towards the highest Ideals.

Now this came at a time where the world was in disarray and where nothing was more needed then a divine ruler to right the wrongs of the world. This is why it managed to spread through Castodia, Frengenland and Catomea (where it was the cause for civil war). Unfortunately it had a crucial weakness as a functioning religion existing mostly for humanities wellbeing: The “Order of Sol” which appointed the Ruler would take their cut of tax profits in return for keeping the Emperor in chair. They could not choose competent rulers who would see through the façade of the “selection” just being an illusion. In reality the Souls which were collected from grieving families (sometimes by force) were dumped down a hatch in the many Temples across the country. Then the Order in charge of these Temples would declare who or what was useful to them as the divine will. They would then go on to choose puppet emperors whom they could control, often ruling from the shadows. Honordom countries eventually locked down fully. Becoming fervent separatists. Now nobody really leaves or enters anymore. Honordom is now a state religion in Frengenland, New Catomea, Castodia, Malar (which is a splinter that was gifted directly to the Order of Sol to build their pilgrimage site) and recently after a bloody civil war, Amurea.

After hearing of all these changes, crusades and instability. One can understand why Reverends swear on their view about rigid traditions and order.

But there is another religion maybe even more resistant to change:

Below the water levels where almost exclusively the submerged live there is a religion that is the most common and wide spread in underwater civilizations: Pantheon. From Aqflama, to Etlentis to Lua people believe in the Gods of the Depth:

Behold the symbols of "The Watcher", Judge of Gods (left), "Conu" the God of Truth (center) and "Tuomion" the God of Devine Punishment (right)


Here is what Pantheon faithfuls believe: from the deep bottomless dark into which no one has ever ventured the gods watch you. Everyone of them has their own virtue - honor, truth, loyalty and more, asking you to live up to their standards. Of course appeasing all gods is impossible as we are mere mortals. Therefore every city or settlement must select one god such as for example Uminur, the God of Bravery (in the face of darkness). A guardian shall be selected to represent your town and together with other settlements and cities your clan should have as many virtues as possible among them.

In times of conflict there is no need for unnecessary bloodshed if the guardians of the city are proper. Elected by the people, the guardian may be the defender of the cities virtue. An attack on the city is an attack on its virtue and therefore the guardian is asked to step forward and in a dual with the enemy guardian defend the claim to the cities god. These duals will take place in the great temples of fate, guardians swimming above the deep dark with the bottom open so the gods may watch.

May you too take on the virtue of the gods, devote your life to a higher ideal.

Now Pantheon has existed in the depths for longer then perhaps any other religions. Its simplicity of devotion to one ideal before everyone else's and its way of structuring society in a relatively peaceful manner have made it stick around for longer. These beliefs are so intertwined with society that they only ever risk being forfeited if outsiders come in or if the submerged ascend to the land.

The truth is often times we do not have a choice at birth when it comes to what we believe in. We grow into the wisdom of our own town or village and this is fine. We must not forget that each conviction is born the same way. For those of you who might still choose: which religion would you like to know more about?

Play here to listen to Tera Sirumao tell you about the reaches of the Atlas!

We believe that our little world is the whole world. Even those of us in positions of power, where we have to consider many little worlds at the same time sometimes experience trouble understanding all these realities. Therefore I present to you some carefully acquired and edited first-person accounts of what life is like in the strangest places to be found on the Atlas.

The Map is currently version 0.1 and will undergo further bug fixes and additions until the 1st of Nov.

Life is different

In Submerged Countries

We have lived down here for generations. With the help of Radiant Magic thousands of years ago, we started to settle underwater towns and villages. Our thick-walled houses are well stocked with the water tongue plant, which turns water into breathable air for those accustomed. You may enter the houses through a small floodgate as a door but don’t be surprised by the warmth: That’s just the furnace because our best friend the water tongue likes it warm. Sometimes when pests get into our plants we might need to spend some time with the neighbors as we clean out our house.

When we travel we make use of our ability to stop breathing for many hours or even days depending on our health and age. Our various sign languages are of great help while we go about our business outside. We usually do so no further than 20 meters below the water surface. After all, there is very little light that reaches this deep- even during the day. And of course the water pressure is immense.

Additionally settling near a deep rift, pit or the “deep bottomless dark” as we like to call it, is inadvisable. Mostly due to the possibility of lurking predators which are hard to hunt as they can always return into the darkness to where we can not follow.

Of course, sometimes we have to move between settlements using the Yperetis carriages as a single rider and this is usually a scary experience - especially by night where everything that surrounds you is dark and your Algae or Soul Lantern will not hit any landmarks for days on end. Usually, people travel in convoys or big submarines to keep predators such as the fierce Terroryba or also called the Red Terrorfish, the Hollowshriek or Mutheci Shark away.

This is what some of those predators sound like:


Twitch Sting

Hollowshriek Whale

This is why we usually stick to our own and avoid traversing unprotected waters which lead us to have very small, somewhat isolated kingdoms.

Not to forget the Guardian Test. In order to be tested, one has to swim down into the darkness, bait a giant Mutheci Shark and kill it. Unfortunately, these isolated killings are not enough to exterminate the Mutheci so this menace is constant, which has often caused resettlements. On the upside, this ritual has made us some of the fiercest people alive - way braver than any airworldler.

In Underground Countries

Valano Mountains

Many underground civilizations can be found below the Valano Mountains.

Our Caves are made of stone - either by nature, by us or the civilizations before us. In them, little grows that can illuminate the expansive darkness with the exception of some moss species and fungi. But if you lay down a good bit of earth from the above world you will be able to grow with a handful of Lumotropic jungle seeds a whole glowing jungle down here.

Aside from this, we have discovered petroleum - out of necessity really. We have discovered the advantages of crude oil, gas and coal. Our cities are now illuminated in all kinds of ways and only seldom when traveling to the surface we see the sunlight.

Of course you need to be careful to always eat your Kergtaim otherwise you will get sick from being down under for too long.

On the topic of getting sick: Your city or settlement needs to be built near a rift or vertical shaft due to the sewage system needing to have somewhere to flow. If this is not the case - do not stay there. The disease will catch you. This often makes lower levels of below-ground cities a very illness-ridden and stinking affair.

But you shouldn’t go there anyways - the deeper you go the higher the risk of being caught by the “Haunting”. Endless archaeological expeditions looking for old dungeons, halls and shadow souls have disappeared without notice. People who live down here know that the very lowest caves are literally alive. The walls of the caves move as strange roots try to strangle you and the strangest and most terrifying beasts stand guard aside elusive demon spirits.

When traveling between cities, there is mostly no need to go down there. You can manage today most of these travels on higher roads or using the tunnel express: A Fragaerium held floating train, powered by horses that propells passengers through tunnels at enormous speed.

Many of the tunnels we use to travel have been left to us by the ancients whose remains are to be found in this very day throughout the cave networks of the Atlas. 

In the Hot North

I live in Zaria, a city in the Acilantran state. Most of our town is underground and this is the design of the majority of our cities here in the North. The parts of the town which are outside are made to be walked through when the days are cooler, from sunset, through the night & into the early hours of the morning. We usually sleep during the day and go about our business from the evening onward. It is at this time you can behold the glow of a thousand lights illuminating our Night Cities.

Everyone along the coast of Acilantra, Sokuzan and of course Follon never stay out for more than three glasses at a time without big coolers which can help us survive for about an hour. 

There are few fields of desert grain, which have the peculiar behavior, at least for foreigners, to sink into the ground when the days are too hot. A variety of cacti are a common dietary staple as well. Yet we still often experience difficult times if for whatever reason our food imports from Sokuzan or Catelon are interrupted or delayed.

Travelling above ground is usually quite difficult as we need to exchange our coolers every hour walking from sunbunker to sunbunker.

There are tunnels created by the great "Dark Tanaman". Its roots extend far into the deep, breaking open the stone and creating habitable rifts for us to live in. 

And of course one can travel by night - an option that has become more viable over the last centuries as dragons and other wild predators have been driven away from the most important routes.

If you want to travel the seas for a journey longer than a single night, for example to Togu Naga Coast, Reonur or deeper down the Sokuzan Delta you must usually do so in a submarine. It’s usually pulled by Yperetis and if you are with a trade convoy you need to be acknowledged by the submerged civilizations whose territory you are passing through. Our great underground ports are hidden, but impressive sights to behold.

In the Cold South

Wandering Ice Mountains

If you go far enough south, the snow almost never melts. Out of the endless snow we have carved three civilizations - Freya, Caletsa and of course the “Sehwitar” - a group of people so closed off that they will not even talk to us fellow southlings. Down here we consider ourselves the countries of the Sled rather than the countries of the Wheel. But much of our treacherous terrain requires airships to traverse which was one of the reasons why the most important Inventions for air travel tend to come from Freya.

Life out here is hard. This hostile place cannot sustain many people. Only the toughest like our ancestors. They were mostly builders & hunters. This shifted with the discovery of Fagaerium. Freya owns large Fagaerium-rich mountains whilst Caletsa, as a modern monarchy, is barely holding on leading to two very different experiences:

In Freya you may live in stone houses, often frequenting Ice Temples, flying between your destinations and be more likely to be funded by the Aristocracy to do more creative labour.

In Caletsa all live an arduous existence deep within the frozen ground. Coal and crude oil are burnt for warmth and for lighting their underground cities. These very ragged housings are carved almost exclusively from glacial blocks or as tunnels into the ice.

We have always been resistant to the cold ever since our forefathers and mothers travelled down here in the First Age. But new Freya has become too acquainted with the warmth. They now rely heavily on their ovens and stone buildings. Often for hours on end comfortably conversing in their furnace-heated studies and palaces. Of course not everyone lives this way - think of the Fagaerium mines and the hard labour at unforgiving temperatures.

Many have already left, and there is a slow, but steady exodus north - even Freya, the once proud country that was so horribly beaten in the Aristocracy Wars, is struggling with corruption.

Play here to listen to Dalinar Blue-Antares. Let him tell you about History!

The Ages

I wish I could give you a full and true history today, ladies and gentleman. But of course, that is impossible. Today we live in Ynorian time and carefully record the many goings on of our world. But there was a time before Ynorian time and civilizations before ours. We have discovered their smoldering ruins. We have learned that their abilities equaled or even exceeded ours. The scant surviving artefacts they imbued with magic – an art we have yet to rediscover – have played an important role in warfare, special operations, magic and science. Why these civilizations fell we are not sure.

Some of the theories will be brought forward on the second day as understanding how such doom was possible is surely important to the security of our civilization today. For now, I shall stick to the facts.

The First Age

Also known as "Age of Resettlement"

Facts such as these: The First Age begun with the creation of Ynorian time. In the great tower of Ynoria's Capital, the Sunset City, a colossal hourglass was built, which spins eternally, setting the standard time for the whole Atlas.

We know very little of this time because people left hardly any written texts and only a few pictures. We believe there were comparatively few humans - probably around 45 million in total and they were all crammed into the small country of Ynoria. Despite the existence of impressive temples, castles, roads and towns all over the known world, it truly seemed as though none survived anywhere but Ynoria at this time. Of course, as the years went by, Ynorian settlers went out to claim these other lands, which today we believe were their old homes.

Those settlers faced a terrible foe in the form of “The Beasts.” These giant creatures of various shapes protected their territories and were always watchful and searching for human trespassers to kill. 

In the spirited Forest

Traveling through the unsettled lands was a dangerous endeavor. Back then we understood how to create run circles which gave a powerful spell to protect everyone inside of it. But it was not untouchable and the most notorious beast still found a way through.

We believe that the existence of the beast caused an immense slowdown in expansion and made many people change their minds about leaving Ynoria. It also lead to most Eastern territories being settled about 300 years later than Western ones, which leads till today, to a lower population density.

Those settlers which succeeded formed small communities with Old Edanist, Ancestor Reverend or Nature Worship traditions and did their best to hold on in the chaotic and deadly world they lived in.

It is from that time when humans lived like the rats under the floorboards that the most meaningful age of history, as it is dubbed by nostalgic (and not always very factual) reverend historians, came to pass:

Age of Honour

This age grew out of the need for stability and safety. Small communities and caravans had little ability to care for themselves or truly face the threat of beasts. Humanity was mostly a fractured people of very small tribes – again, outside of Ynoria, at least.

But people found a way. Inspired by Ancestor Reverence or Old Edany's ideas of how people should treat each other, Kings and Queens put themselves forward with the intention of forming a safe haven for their people. They managed to organize greater tribes of humans which eventually formed proper kingdoms.

Together, it was now possible to fight against the beasts, rather than only run. Humans started to claim territory permanently. Kingdoms grew, as towns and villages thrived in open, relatively safe terrain.

Honor was that what made this possible. Soldiers who protected us against the Beasts and other creatures of danger were held in high esteem. To serve the country was an Honor and to live a life of Honor was a life of the highest meaning.

Ylonia's Lament

As it is custom in Ancestor Reverence tradition at the celebration of death a loved one of the deceased will sing a song in their honor. This is a recreation of the song of Ylonia (Queen of Tarinova from 305-323YT) upon the death of her love who died defending a village against a beast with seven necks.

In these times the Rulers were mostly fair and hard-working. They chose their successors from amongst the people and kept almost no treasures for themselves. It was the only way to survive.

Kingdoms and Queendoms were only sporadically in touch with each other through the longer river or naval travels and even less frequently over land. Trade was very dangerous due to rogue clans and of course, the beasts who lived between the cleared areas. But War was rare as everyone mostly stayed on their own Island of Civilization.

Manundin's Curse

It is said that the Council of Manundin asked their people to mine too deep where they unearthed a curse that lead to the disappearance of the realm. Until today there are wild speculations about what happened but most think that the creatures from the Haunting must had come up for a visit.

But eventually, the kingdom's borders grew until they met. Territories that contained important resources were fought over & religious differences sparked conflict.

We can briefly segment the Age of Honor into three parts: The Early, High and Late Age of Honour. These Ages are relative in time as they are more related to how long a kingdom was already established.

In the Early Age, the first kingdoms formed and the structure was frugal. The buildings were functional, the clothes modest, and the technology improvised.

During the High Age of Honor, the establishment of these realms was progressing to a sufficient degree and it reflected in more leisure activity, colourful fashion and buildings which were increasingly made to last.

The Late Age saw well-cultivated fashions and leisure turned into excess. As the logic revolution swept over the countries which sparked first bursts of invention, tools and buildings became more sophisticated. The first Dragons were domesticated and the first Wars fought - although often with low casualties as armies to this time used to spar with each other in well-organized battles to determine who would have won rather than actual fighting with lethal intent.

In these times the kings grew mistrustful. They instated Dynasties, restricted trade to nations of other creeds and used Honor as a weapon toward other humans rather than against the forces of nature against which the concept was intended and developed.

All of this led to unrest and unstable social systems.

Age of Imperials

Also known as "Age of Empires"

The defining characteristic of the Age of Empires is war and crusade. Battle lines began to be drawn not just over territory, but religion. A new sect – “Star Edany” - began to rapidly polarize the population. Increasingly multiple kingdoms united under one king or queen to organize against their ideological counterpart.

The first and most famous example of such a crusade was, after the “Purge of Agaiatar” in which local Star Edanists were widely killed, the “Crusade for Mankind’s Soul” as it became known by both sides.

Nightingales come by

This song developed originally during the Age of Imperials as a shock reaction to the Crusade.

The fighting had lost all trace of the civility that had been respected in the previous age. It became so destructive and brutal that the then-powerful Valano Kingdom had to step in and stop the hostilities. It remains to this day one of the most violent events in Soul Atlas History with over 30 million dead within a few short years. Looking back I like to believe it was the traumatic experience that made mankind grow up with a terrible suddenness.

During the Crusade the Medicus Mage was for the first time trained to help out as a combat medic. They suffered like most soldiers from severe mental destabilization as the world was shocked by its own brutality.

Out of this particular crisis, the Immortal Kingdom emerged, turning into the Geopolitical Powerhouse with Agaiatar as the capital. Later in the Age of Invention the first Stock Marketplace and the creator of the Atlas’ first reserve currency.

Many other Empires would rise up and take up the sword. The most notable conflicts were:

a) The Murr Invasion in todays Morou, Amurrea and Harlon Eru. This event saw the underground civilization, the “Murr”, expand their territories upon the surface. They ruled effectively but shortly as their king died and the succession was poorly prepared for.

b) The Castodia Unification Campaign is usually referred to as the “Campaign of Fire”. From the Fire Mountains, Warlord Hanuzan commanded his armies to take much of an area known today as Castodia. He instated as Emperor his good friend Tarikan, whose lineage is still in control of Castodia today - together with the Order of Sol.

c) During the Age of Invention, amongst others, Catomea, Catelonion, Acilantra and Yatur arose as empires

War was terrible as excavations into the dungeons brought to light many powerful magical weapons and dragons were domesticated for war purposes. Fortunately, dragons lose their ability to spit fire when tamed. Otherwise our world map would look very different today.

The Firelance

Norm stood behind the fence outside his forge, looking towards the horizon between the long houses with reed roofs and curved walls where against the sun a small group of riders closed in on their village of Acrenod. The villagers had gathered. It seemed that finally the Lords were returning. And sure enough first in the column the Elder and the Youngster could be seen. Behind them the Almajiri, the Apprentices of the Lord pair of young and old - deed and wisdom, rising and setting sun.

As they entered the hamlet the six horses came to stop before the village temple around the well. When they set down from their horses everyone could see their exhaustion. Many villagers, including Norm, therefore made their way to the well and helped them take down what the Almajiri had brought with them. They had full saddle bags but something in their eyes, their faces, the way they set down from their horses, was different.

In this Age the values shifted. There was the general attitude that the individual became less significant in comparison to his state as it expanded and turned into an Empire. Some, namely the Immortal Kingdom and Castodia, became intensely patriotic. But most other Empires soon started to feel impersonal and cold. The banners became so elaborate only a few people could accurately reproduce them, the monuments were massive, and the bureaucracies rapidly became convoluted & bloated.

Imperial Greetings

Immortal Kingdom Fanfare from the 700s

It was only over time that Empires learned how to truly leverage their giant size to push forward standards and innovation to the benefit of the whole world.

This new kind of world order subsisted. It permitted more rapid population growth and although wars and civil wars were more terrible than before, more effective ways to kill the beasts were discovered, more elaborate trade networks were established and, aided by the invention of the printing press, more knowledge than ever before was amassed and distributed.

Age of Aristocrats

Also known as "Age of Invention"

The Age of Invention, often also called “The Age of Aristocrats”, was triggered by the elegant concept of the propeller.

In the previous ages, air travel had been very expensive and slow. Usually, ships were carved from a Fagerium-rich stone and propelled forwards by many rowers with giant paddles. Nobody had yet thought of a way to load or unload the Fagerium which would make airships hover so the airships were fixed to a certain height, making it relatively impractical for most civilizations except for those living in the flying mountains.

On the other hand travel over land was often full of dangers. Not only were the roads constantly besieged by wild animals and beasts but also by robbers, pirates, foreign raiding parties and to top it all off, not a lot of material could be transported on any single cart.

Initially, when the propeller came along everyone first saw in it a more elegant way to move ships. It was not until in 720YT that they began to use draft animals to power the propellers.

- click the image -

This: the technology venting Fagerium, refueling it and further improvements in aerodynamics lead to airships which were eventually able to travel up to 100 km/h as the crow flies.

This “shrunk the world” as many countries started to build airports between their most important trading cities. It revolutionized trade, shrinking maritime trade and giving landlocked countries more leverage. It also empowered countries which had no sufficient access to dragons to still maintain an Air Force and it created even more stupefying amounts of wealth within the few countries which had Fagerium possessions in their territory.

It is because of the subsequent array of discoveries and adjustments to these airfaring systems that this age was named the Age of Invention. Although some began giving it another name: The Age of Aristocrats.

Because the world was shrinking, trade was more powerful than ever and the newly operating companies had soon after, for the first time, access to a new invention: The stock market. Powerful private and publicly owned companies arose. They were the pillars of modern society, providing many services, especially in the Empires which were on the rise and searching for allies to consolidate their place in the world.

But the main reason why they became so powerful was because Freya pioneered what is known as the “Scalve” System. An increasing amount of states would choose a handful of companies which were dedicated a certain sector in the economy. They would have almost unrestricted access to cheap loans and would be bailed out every time they failed. That made the domestic markets highly competitive to all other countries who did not use this system. But it had the side effect of making some companies stronger than the states which were supposed to control them and soon the laws began to warp to reflect this.

Eventually states who started to push back found themselves in heavy resistance. Conglomerates of Companies which formed across borders were preparing to upend the Age of Empires and states in favor of an age in which Cooperations would run the world. The most important of these alliances called themselves the “Atra” and “Medejin”. This lead to a war which was fought all over the Atlas for almost 10 years between 813 and 822 YT.

This conflict ended with the Statesman victorious and dealt a heavy and debilitating blow to the Conglomerates which would never again rise to become the governing entity in any part of the Atlas. Still, corporations and investors held great power, and trade networks continued to grow and shift. During this time the moral revolution occurred which put philosophy front and center and lead to a decrease in wars everywhere as new Universities sprang up across the whole Atlas.

Around 950YT aristocrats started investing in a set of companies on the stock markets in Andalun. These companies were educating Terraci Mages with the help of a University Mage Order. This Order had recently opened up exchange of expertise, willing to share its secrets for the greater good leading to a small period known as the “Conflict of the Orders”. As these companies were now able to educate Terraci en masse, it became financially feasible to send them to assist farmers with food production. This led to farmers being able to take on successfully larger fields, more than returning investment on the loan and state-subsidized Terraci they hired to keep bugs away, keep crops healthy, help plant and decrease the time plants took to grow. This led to a massive spike in food production which within a decade halved the number of famines that took place.

Because of this, vast investments were poured into these agricultural ventures. Many different companies offered this service. Many governments bought these “Terraci Bonds” made from stocks from these different companies and stored them as secure assets. Most notably, as the Immortal Bank ran out of precious metal reserves, it bought these bonds and changed the peg of its issued currency - the royal letter - from the gold standard to a new Terraci bond standard.

All of this worked well. Investors began to search for places to deploy their capital and a frenzy of investment sprees rained upon the whole continent - both on the wise and unwise investments.

But they were all soon taken by surprise.

The New Age

The Map is currently version 0.1 and will undergo further bug fixes and additions until the 1st of Nov.

In 994 YT the economic bubble burst in what came to be known as the first Atlaswide Financial Collapse. As the confidence in the Terraci bonds vanished, many countries which relied on this security, saw their value plummet. This included all the most important holdings of the Immortal Bank which was dissolved as a consequence. The value of many assets, especially stocks and bonds, evaporated.

Never before had the world economy faced such a scale of unemployment and such a degree of catastrophe. It was unclear whom to blame.

This led to a period of extreme instability. Acilantra disintegrated. Togu Naga and Reonur gained their independence. Valano and Ynoria were severely destabilized.

But without a doubt, it was the central west that was hit hardest. There, the whole Edanistic World collapsed. Where the so-called Immortal Kingdom had once stood, only a fractured, anarchistic political wasteland remained. There, countless petty Lords feud over their individual provinces – collectively, these fractured holdings are known as “The Dukedoms.”

Even today, a clear political order has not been established in this region, although Morou, Harlon Eru and Frengenland have founded nation-states with defined borders. These countries have had variable degrees of success in stabilizing their population and are therefore not officially part of “The Dukedoms,” despite existing in the former holdings of the Immortal Kingdom.

Meanwhile, the countries of the middle east turned to Honordom as a method to avoid collapse and protect the power of the ruling elite. Notable to the east of this region is the Dynasty, which weathered the crisis shockingly well and evaded Honordom expansion. They were able to do so because they had a stable native currency, strong domestic markets and because they had taken great advantage of the rubber revolution.

A word on that revolution: around the year 900 people had started experimenting with Rubber as a material. It found first use in slingshots, and eventually repeater slingshots replaced repeat shot bows. Their smaller ammunition proved to be a great boon to clip capacity, ammunition storage, and logistics. After the technology had found use in the military it reached civilian life where rubber hammers and presses were invented. The press could be hooked up to a water wheel on a river, store the rivers energy and then deliver it as needed. This created factories, assembly lines, standardized airship models and cities strategically positioned on rivers filled their towns with industry as factory made commodities swept the market and materials like iron were more widely then ever forged and used on mass. Although this technology emerged around the beginning of the new millennium only few countries were able to make effective use of it, embroiled in civil strife and financial collapse as they were.

Yet Honordom countries succeeded here and indeed we can trace much of their present influence to humble rubber.

While some countries struggled and others thrived in any given moment, the reality was that technological progress continued to march on. As production facilities and dependencies of countries became more sophisticated (just like the financial market had become before the initial collapse), countries were forced to rethink national security issues.

The whole system of interlinking parts to, for example, make the Air Force a reliable weapon in uncertain times, required an extraordinary amount of different resources, specialized facilities and logistics between these to work properly and be effective during wartime.

This led to an array of wars in which a new kind of manoeuvre warfare was used which devastated earlier powerful nations. This was the main reason for the rise of the Sokuzan Confederation which attacked the Yatur Empires at crucial weak links, unsecured ammunition factories, airports and general infrastructure, instead of attacking the armed forces directly.

At the same time, Honordom expanded. After they secured all Fagerium Mountains from Norus, which remained at a fraction of its former strength, they advanced West.

In Amurea around 1079YT a civil war broke out fomented by heavy Honordom-funded propaganda. It was in a way the most significant event in the East in the last century as it saw the involvement of both the Dynasty and the Holy Empires, especially Castodia, which both officially (or unofficially in the Dynasties’ case) backed one of the two sides in the conflict, leading to the defeat of the Dynasty backed rebels and the adoption of Honordom in Amurea. The Country was first led by a puppet government and later officially integrated into the Holy Empire in 1088YT.

Tarinian Skies

A contemporary song written and played by rebels from the Tarin Province in Amurea

This, as you know, triggered the formation of “The League.” Our league, which began with Acilantra, Reonur, Frostland and the Dynasty and has now grown to include our new ally, Norus, is the official counterpart to Honordom aggression.

Today it is the year 1091YT. There are Geopolitical Tensions and proxy wars between our League and The Holy Empires in the Dukedoms, Harlon has propped up its Military and entered into a Military alliance with Vondo and Morou. Sokuzan is rising and pushing its borders outwards in all regions. It is a time of great volatility and danger.

The Castle

Marico Fabelnad felt the ice-rain through the cracks of his wax-jacket which was more valuable than all of the village they had just passed two days ago. Since then they had not met anyone and the tundra was getting to him. In retrospect he might have preferred a transport on one of the cargo ships.

But then on the horizon they had spotted a glow of fires and now, finally, they stood below the slight hill - if one could call it like that - watching the castle being built in front of them. Huge wheels of wood churned, lifting stone, workers shouted and ran across the palisades created to help with the construction. Outside many small tents were errected with the dayshift workers sleeping next to blacksmiths, masons and rope makers. The gate was not yet installed.

Marico padded his horse. He knew what he was here for. He was just in doubt if it would be worth the risk.

In addition to the worrisome geopolitical tensions between all major blocks which could trigger another atlaswide war, there are some other indicators we can no longer divert our eyes from!

The Beasts which we pushed back over hundreds of years of ever better technology seem to be returning. Multiple sightings have been made of these monstrous creatures in territories which were deemed cleared of this menace. Whole settlements have been completely annihilated faster than our militaries can respond. I know many of you think little of this – after all, if ancient people beat them back with swords, surely we can do the same with dragons and repeaters. Yet the problem still grows.

On top of that, some scholars have entered the depths of the dungeons remaining from previous civilizations and found writings which have reliable information on the collapse of the previous civilization. We still don’t know what exactly was responsible for the fall but we think that in many areas - technology and geopolitics being probably the most determining of them all - we are approaching a similar point to those previous civilizations. Specifically, the point where they collapsed.

I am sure you share my desire to avoid repeating a historical event which would see all of civilization wiped out. We can no longer look away. We have to prepare for the worst. And possibly quickly!

thank you for attending the 1st day of the Andalun International Security Conference!

Ladies and Lords, Scholars, Senators, Kings and Queens, may I have your attention. I must conclude the first day of our Andalun International Security Conference. We are honored to be hosting you on the city of the strait. The upcoming day of the scholar conference - now that we have made the fundamental connections - will be used by analyzing the threats to our civilizations as we laid them out today. We will have a closer look and familiarize ourselves in detail but with all appropriate directness with the existentially risks. May it be the research of the return of the beasts, geopolitical tensions or of course the contributions from our special guest from Maimast Caugel. I wish you all a good night!


Visual Art


Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro


Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro, Mila Loureiro, Valéria Nobre


Inês Soeiro, Micaela Landoni, Carolina Dubert,

 Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro, Rebeka Luca Soos, Inês Gonçalves, 

Lia Goovaerts, Valéria Nobre


Martim Graça, Mila Loureiro, Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro, 

Inês Gonçalves, Afonso Vasconcelos


Diego Freitas



Tillman Duft


Silas Meyer, Malik Ouambo, Martin Wieczorek, 

Jonas Schüsselin, Simon Klocke and Tillman Duft


Marc Lehmann, Johanna Zander, Martin Wieczorek, 

Malik Ouambo, Tillman Duft, Jonas Schüsselin


on the Violine: Natalia Martinez Navarro

on the Flute: Marta Chlebicka

on the Trumpet: Philippe Neumann

on the Guitare: Martin Wieczorek

Web Development


Klaudio Maraj


Afonso Vasconcelos

Interactive Map


Boris Theis


Mila Loureiro


Martim Graça, Mila Loureiro


Jonas David

Public Relations


Dewey Darko, Norma Gianetta

Sound Design


Ana Machado, Gonçalo Silva



Ana Machado, Gonçalo Silva




Paul Donavan as IACOBUS ZCRIB


Renata Heidel as TERA SHIRUMAO



Dean Paarman


Lena Olivier



Jonas David


Zhana Kalinova


Fahad Shaikh


Richard Osborne


Richard Osborne


Tiago da Cruz as NARESH

Chloé Henry as CETHANA


Afonso Sevivas as AVINIAN

Simon Klocke as DARIO

Fahad Shaikh as ADUR




Tillman Duft


Lena Olivier


Florian Magot

Monica Teotónio Pereira


Gonçalo Ramalho


Jay Fenton


Anya Alekhina


Simon Klocke


Gonçalo Silva, Ana Machado


Ana Machado, Gonçalo Silva


Duarte Guitarra


Matilde Silva, Tiago Coelho, Miguel Tavares


Gastão Travado


Centro Hipico Quinta da Prata, Trobadores Lisboa


Tiago Loureiro


Jan Schepmann


Jay Fenton


Diego Freitas

Jonas David


Dewey Darko


Trobadores Lisboa

Centro Hipico Quinta da Prata

Mariana Cabrera

Fred Pinheiro / Raquel Azedo

Paulo Rosa

Duarte Gandum

Story and Texts


Jonas David


Fynn Hoffmann


Norma Gianetta, Nathan Whitehouse, Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro

Special Thanks to

Almuth & Henning Klocke

Christopher Klocke

Shane Melaugh

Dean Paarman

Ryan Blankers

Melanie R.

Project Directed by

Jonas David


Visual Art


Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro


Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro, Mila Loureiro, Valéria Nobre


Inês Soeiro, Micaela Landoni, Carolina Dubert, Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro, Rebeka Luca Soos, Inês Gonçalves, Lia Goovaerts,
Valéria Nobre


Martim Graça, Mila Loureiro, Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro, Inês Gonçalves, Afonso Vasconcelos


Diego Freitas



Tillman Duft


Silas Meyer, Malik Ouambo, Martin Wiezcorek,
Jonas Schüsselin, Simon Klocke and Tillman Duft


Marc Lehmann, Johanna Zander, Martin Wiezcorek, Malik Ouambo, Tillman Duft, Jonas Schüsselin


on the Violine:
Natalia Martinez Navarro

on the Flute:
Marta Chlebicka

on the Trumpet:
Philippe Neumann

Web Development


Klaudio Maraj


Afonso Vasconcelos

Interactive Map


Boris Theis


Mila Loureiro


Martim Graça, Mila Loureiro


Jonas David

Public Relations


Dewey Darko, Norma Gianetta

Sound Design


Ana Machado, Gonçalo Silva



Ana Machado, Gonçalo Silva


David Gill as

Matt Reid as

Paul Donavan as

Sofia Miguel Castro as

Renata Heidel as

João Valido Vaz as


Lena Olivier



Jonas David


Zhana Kalinova


Fahad Shaikh


Richard Osborne


Richard Osborne


Tiago da Cruz as


Chloé Henry as



Afonso Sevivas as


Simon Klocke as


Fahad Shaikh as





Till Duft


Lena Olivier


Florian Magot

Monica Teotónio Pereira


Gonçalo Ramalho


Jay Fenton


Simon Klocke


Gonçalo Silva, Ana Machado


Ana Machado, Gonçalo Silva


Duarte Guitarra


Matilde Silva, Tiago

Coelho, Miguel Tavares


Centro Hipico Quinta da Prata,

 Trobadores Lisboa


Tiago Loureiro


Jan Schepmann


Jay Fenton


Diego Freitas

Jonas David



Dewey Darko


Trobadores Lisboa

Centro Hipico Quinta da Prata

Mariana Cabrera

Fred Pinheiro / Raquel Azedo

Paulo Rosa

Duarte Gandum

Story and Texts


Jonas David


Fynn Hoffmann


Norma Gianetta,

Nathan Whitehouse, 

Tiago Ezeq. Loureiro

Special Thanks to

Almuth & Henning Klocke

Christopher Klocke

Shane Melaugh

Dean Paarman

Ryan Blankers

Melanie R.

Project Directed by

Jonas David

The Future of the Atlas

Soul Atlas was created with different ways of storytelling and play in mind. We have yet to explore all the ways in which it can be seen, listened to and felt. Lots more is to come. If you want to get to know the team, support us, listen to the music and more, find your option below. 

We encourage you to join our discord server where we will update you frequently and engage with everyone who has ideas/requests/is interested in the Atlas, so we can build this world together. Join to find out more about our "Canon Constitution" and receive exclusive hints at what's next! For proposals, requests and collaborations reach out to our Mail linked below!

The Headquarters Report

Stay up to date one everything new coming out - music, stories, film, conferences. No more then one mail a month. Sign up, stay in the loop.

The Eastern Tribune

The "Eastern Tribune" is the most widely printed newspaper on the Eastcoast. Because we do not live ourselves on the Eastcoast (which is unfortunate) we have to sent for the Edgepaper.

The Edgepaper of the Eastern Tribune is the summary of all significant events to appear in the Newspaper during the last month. It is printed for far-off regions where some want to stay informed but to where sending daily or weekly prints is not feasible. Therefore it is a shortened overview over only the most important events.

The paper undergoes a regular truthefication process in which the Order of Tian will check the quality of work and the quality of the institution structure to make sure all incentives to lie, distort or omit the truth are removed.

Of course only decisionmakers, aristocrats and intellectuals read Edgepapers but as you have come to the Andalun Scholar Conference we thought you might be interested.

Stay up to date on the current events of the Honordom expansion, the League’s Geopolitics, Dragonraces, Elections, Crownings, Wars and much more.

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Thank you for attending the 1st ever Andalun Scholar Conference. We were honored to have hosted you at the City of the Strait. We hope you will be returning for the 2nd Day of the Conference in 1092YT (2023 a.D.). My sincerest appreciation and to you good fortune until we see each other next time!

The End