©2022 Soul Atlas. All Rights Reserved.
©2022 Soul Atlas. All Rights Reserved.
Four times sixteen thousand years ago there lived three siblings. They had grown up together but now they went out into the world to test their luck.
In the first year of their journey through the distant realms they found a kingdom of the spring order. All its members were filled with joy, gratitude and hope. They stayed there for a while learning a great many things about prudence and craftsmanship. After many years had gone by they agreed to continue their journey for they sought a new adventure ...
Marico Fabelnad felt the ice-rain through the cracks of his wax-jacket which was more valuable than all of the village they had just passed two days ago. Since then they had not met anyone and the tundra was getting to him. In retrospect he might have preferred a transport on one of the cargo ships.
But then on the horizon they had spotted a glow of fires and now, finally, they stood below the slight hill - if one could call it like that - watching the castle being built in front of them. Huge wheels of wood churned, lifting stone, workers shouted and ran across the palisades created to help with the construction. Outside many small tents were errected with the dayshift workers sleeping next to blacksmiths, masons and rope makers. The gate was not yet installed.
Marico padded his horse. He knew what he was here for. He was just in doubt if it would be worth the risk.
Norm stood behind the fence outside his forge, looking towards the horizon between the long houses with reed roofs and curved walls where against the sun a small group of riders closed in on their village of Acrenod. The villagers had gathered. It seemed that finally the Lords were returning. And sure enough first in the column the Elder and the Youngster could be seen. Behind them the Almajiri, the Apprentices of the Lord pair of young and old - deed and wisdom, rising and setting sun.
As they entered the hamlet the six horses came to stop before the village temple around the well. When they set down from their horses everyone could see their exhaustion. Many villagers, including Norm, therefore made their way to the well and helped them take down what the Almajiri had brought with them. They had full saddle bags but something in their eyes, their faces, the way they set down from their horses, was different.
The Last Struggle
Souls | Simon Klocke
Soultree Contemplation
Souls | Till Duft?
Awaken the Radiants
Magic | Till Duft?
The Goddess
Creed | Till Duft?
Valano Mountains
Places | ...
Wandering Icemountains
Places | ...
Ylonia's Lament
History | Jonas Schüsselin
Manundin's Curse
History | ...
Nightingales come by
History | Marc ... & Till Duft
Imperial Greetings
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Tarinian Skies
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